Porchfest 2022:
General Info | Performers | Schedule | Map | Street Closures
We’re closing a few streets to traffic during Porchfest, where we’re placing food vendors or expect significant crowds. If you live on one of these blocks, consider parking your car on an open street nearby for the afternoon so you can come and go more easily:
• JAY STREET, from Cayuga to Tioga
• UTICA STREET, from Lincoln to Lewis
• YATES STREET, from Utica to Aurora
• YATES STREET, from Utica to Aurora
• E. MARSHALL STREET, from Utica to Aurora
• N. TIOGA STREET, from Tompkins to Farm
• N. AURORA STREET, from Tompkins to Farm
• W. MARSHALL STREET, and LAKE AVE from Marshall to Yates
• AUBURN STREET, from Jay to Dey
• ADAMS STREET, from Dey to Auburn
Additionally, N. TIOGA STREET will be close from Farm to Court from 5-6 pm only, while Fall Creek Brass Band perform on the bridge.
There will be NO PARKING on W. MARSHALL STREET or on AUBURN STREET from Jay to Dey starting at 8:00 AM on Sunday, Sept. 25. This is so our food vendors can arrive and set up for the event. Vehicles still parked after 8:00 AM on Sept 25 may be towed.