Performer + volunteer signups open now!

Hello, neighbors!

Ithaca’s Porchfest 2024 will be held on Sunday, September 22, from noon until 6:00 PM. It’s free and open for everyone to attend or perform!

Performer signups are open now, and will continue through August 23. All performers are responsible for finding a place to play, then sign up at the link below with the address. If you need help finding a place to play, or would like to offer your porch, please see the “Find or offer a porch” message board on our website.

Please sign up if you’re going to perform. A lot of work goes into arranging the schedule so performers aren’t too close together, and when people pop up unscheduled, it’s inconsiderate of your fellow performers. Don’t be that band — let us find you the right space to do your thing!

If you’re not sure whether you’ll be able to perform, go ahead and sign up. It’s much easier to remove people from the schedule later than to add them when the map is already crowded.

Note that, as in the past few years, the 12-1pm time slot will be for 100% acoustic performances only. Got a band with amps and microphones? Please don’t mark yourself available for the 12-1 pm time slot.

And as always, no matter your time slot, please be prepared to keep your volume pretty low so you’re not audible more than a few houses away. Porchfest is around 150 performers all within about a third of a square mile, and we all need to be considerate of other performers nearby. (Not to mention neighbors who don’t want to be blasted with sound like you’re playing the main stage at Coachella; this ain’t that, friends.)

All sound good? Sign up here!

It takes dozens of volunteers to make Porchfest happen safely! We’re scheduling volunteers in two-hour shifts this year, so you can help out and still have plenty of time to catch Porchfest performances. Are you able to give a couple hours of your time to help? Please sign up here!

One change to note this year: we’re planning to close ALL of Utica Street to vehicular traffic (except where Tompkins Street crosses Utica), so it’ll be a great avenue for moving north and south through the neighborhood by foot or bike! Other street closures will be the same as last year:

• All of E. JAY STREET
• All of LEWIS ST (West and East)
• E. YATES STREET, from Utica to Aurora
• E. MARSHALL STREET, from Utica to Aurora
• W. MARSHALL STREET, and WILLOW AVE from Marshall to Yates
• N. TIOGA STREET, from Tompkins to Farm
• N. AURORA STREET, from Tompkins to Farm
• AUBURN STREET, from Jay to Dey
• ADAMS STREET, from Dey to Auburn
• CASCADILLA AVE (north side only)

There will be NO PARKING on W. Marshall Street or the 200 block of Auburn Street (from Lewis to Dey) so that food vendors can set up in those locations. If you normally park on these blocks, please make alternate arrangements for the day from 8am to 8pm.

Porchfest costs thousands of dollars to put on every year — for port-a-johns, security, insurance, permitting fees, and more. We make some money from vendor fees and grants, but donations from the community really help put us over the line. If you’d like to make a donation to help keep Porchfest viable, please do so here.

Questions? Comments? Contact Porchfest organizers Lesley and Andy at