FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Porchfest Music Festival Returns for a 6th Year

For Immediate Release – September 4, 2012
Contact: Festival Organizers Gretchen Hildreth and Lesley Greene –,

Porchfest Music Festival Returns for a 6th Year

ITHACA NY: On Sunday, September 16th from 1:00-5:00pm, the streets of the Fall Creek & Northside neighborhoods will be filled with music, as many of Ithaca’s finest musicians sing, play and dance on their porches and front stoops. To hear them, grab a map at the information station in Thompson Park (near Gimme Coffee on Cayuga Street) or online at, and then walk or bike around the neighborhood to take in the sounds of this free event. This year’s festival is sponsored by Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services and supported by a gift from the GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance.

Porchfest 6 will feature 111 musical acts, the biggest Porchfest yet. Performers include El Rumbon, Gunpoets, Not From Wisconsin, JazzHappensBand, Djug Django, Richie Stearns and the Evil City Trio, Uniit Carruyo, Nate & Kate, The Grady Girls, Ithaca Gay Men’s Chorus, Sim Redmond Band, Terry Burns and Ron Kristy, and much, much more. The festival offers musical styles ranging from roots rock to traditional jazz, and from pop to hip hop, with side trips into comedy, capoeira, and storytelling. There will also be chances to join in: Emoretta Yang is professor for the required course “Ukulelese as a Second Language,” your chance to learn to play the uke, and there are sing-alongs to boot. There is surely something for everyone.

Public restrooms will be available for festival-goers at Tabernacle Baptist Church, NorthStar Restaurant, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, and the Quaker Meetinghouse.

When the music is done at 5:00pm, grab a picnic dinner and your instruments and head back to Thompson Park for more fun and music. For more information, go to or contact festival organizers Gretchen Hildreth and Lesley Greene at

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Porchfest is officially a go!

Gretchen and I met with the Ithaca Special Events Team today, and they gave us the green light! They also agreed to provide roadblocks for all the streets we asked to close–pretty much the same streets as last year.

On a different note, Gretchen and I worried a little about whether the new “Porchfest Pledge” (bands have to agree to play an acoustic set. If there is an instrument that requires amplification, the level needs to be kept low) would keep people from signing up. Turns out that wasn’t a problem–as of 9:30 this  evening, we have 101 bands signed up! It’s going to be amazing.